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The 2017 annual general meeting was held on 15 March 2017. The meeting was preceded by 2 CPD sessions – Cheryl Howard presented a very interesting talk on hidden wealth traps in the 2017 Budget and Carmen Venter raised some thought-provoking issues in her talk on accrual claims and deceased estates. Both presentations elicited quite a bit of discussion amongst the attendees and certainly got them thinking.

The AGM itself was well attended by 42 members.

The results of the recent regional elections, as well as the national council election, was conveyed to the attendees.

As no nominations were received for the one nationally elected councillor position and Angélique Visser was automatically eligible for re-election, she was re-elected unopposed.

During regional election meetings, the following persons were elected in the different regions:

Central Region (meeting held on 9 February 2017)
Chairperson: Colin Hickling
Vice-Chairperson: Dolf Schutte

Gauteng Region (meeting held on 9 February 2017)
Chairperson: Cheryl Howard
Vice-chairperson: Penny du Plessis

KwaZulu-Natal Region (meeting held on 16 February 2017)
Chairperson: Shayne Ramdhani
Vice-chairperson: Fritz Volker

The chairperson in each region becomes a member of the FISA Council, while the vice-chairperson must act as alternate councillor if the chairperson cannot attend a particular council meeting.

The FISA council would like to thank all members who attended and trust that they found the meeting of value.

Click here to read the Chairperson’s Report tabled at the AGM

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