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Regional Committee Elections

Regional elections

Regional chairpersons and committees will be elected at regional election meetings in the Eastern Cape-, Northern-, and Western Cape Regions. These regional committees are coming to the end of their two-year terms.

In addition to this, the KwaZulu-Natal regional chairperson, Shayne Ramdhani, resigned as she has relocated to Gauteng.  An election will therefore be held to elect a replacement as chairperson for the KwaZulu-Natal region for the remaining year of the term for which Shayne was elected.

Click below for the formal notices of the regional election meetings, as required by the regulations:

Eastern Cape


Western Cape


The elected regional chairpersons also join the FISA council as regional councillors. Members in the Western- and Eastern Cape regions, and in the Northern region have been invited to the election meetings. The KZN invitations will be going out soon.  See par 6 of the Regulations for Regional Committees.

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