FISA has bought a licence to hold meetings online on the GoToMeeting platform. The first round of regional meetings on this platform will take place in the next two weeks. Participants do not need any special software and attendance is free of charge. Participants will have the choice to either download an application (also free of charge) or just connect through their favourite internet browser. A smart phone app is also available for Apple and Android to enable participants to join via their phones.
When attending such a meeting, please observe the following meeting etiquette:
1. Switch your cell phone to silent.
2. Keep your web camera switched off, unless invited by the meeting chairperson to switch it on.
3. Keep your computer microphone switched to “Mute” unless you are invited by the meeting chairperson to speak.
4. Use the “raise your hand” or chat functions to draw the attention of the chairperson to the fact that you wish to speak.
5. Ensure that you are in a suitable room / environment with no loud sounds or other disturbance.
6. Identify yourself clearly before speaking.
7. Speak loudly and clearly.