Essential advice on drafting and updating your last will and testament.
Nico van Gijsen kyk na jou testament. READ MORE
Fiduciary-related court cases READ MORE
In this article on Isolezwe, the largest isiZulu media outlet, Moyomuhle Maphanga of Rumana Mahomed Attorneys looks at the importance of having a will. Read the piece here. READ MORE
FISA features in a Moneyweb campaign this week, with two articles and a podcast. Read more. READ MORE
Dying without a will means that your assets will be distributed by the state in a one-size-fits-all manner. The Intestate Succession Act rules are very specific and may have some undesirable outcomes READ MORE
Vakansie is die ideal tyd om weer jou testament onder oë te kry. READ MORE
Estate planning lessons from legal battles after death and divorce READ MORE
Moneyweb: A well-written will creates order and certainty READ MORE
The Supreme Court of Appeal recently ruled on extraneous evidence in the interpretation of a will. READ MORE
Louis van Vuren, in gesprek met RSG se Ryk van Niekerk oor die diefstal uit die Voogdyfonds. READ MORE
Get legal help if you wish to bequeath rights to property. READ MORE
Nico van Gijsen skryf hierdie week in Rapport oor die moeilike onderwerp van demensie. READ MORE
André Eloff en AJ du Plooy skryf in Landbouweekblad oor die nood om jou boedel in orde te kry, soos uiteengesit in jou testament. Hulle gee ‘n paar wenke. André […] READ MORE
Jan L Jordaan Attorneys Inc. hosts a free webinar on living wills, accredited for 1 FISA CPD point. READ MORE
Nico van Gijsen skryf in hierdie week se Rapport oor testamente. Hy meen ‘n mens moet eers ‘n behoorlike boedelplan maak en dan is dit baie belangrik om die raad […] READ MORE