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CPD opportunity – webinar on living wills

Jan L Jordaan Attorneys Inc. hosts a free webinar on living wills on 3 April 2023 at 10:00.

The speakers will be:

1. Robert Jordaan: Chief Executive Officer Zuid Afrikaans Hospital on the hospital’s policy on “Do not attempt to resuscitate and withdrawal of active treatment” 15 minutes.

2. Dr Yanila Nyasulu, Physician. 40 minutes.

(If you want to know more about Dr Nyasulu watch the YouTube video called “Zero to Zero” which was broadcast on Carte Blanche a while ago.)

She will be discussing the following points.

1. At what point is a decision made to withdraw active treatment?

2. How does it work practically? She will elaborate on this point. She will discuss a few cases she had..

3. What factors are taken into consideration?

4. Do you need the family’s consent.

5. Who do you regard as family?

6. What if the family members do not agree?

7. Is it necessary for more than one Doctor to agree?

8. If a patient has a Living Will, do you still need the consent from the family?

9. What are the consequences if there is no Living Will?

10. What is the value of a Living Will?

11. What if all the family members are not available to decide?

12. How long can you keep someone “alive”?

Click here to book your place.

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