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Renewal of membership

More than a hundred FISA members still have not done their annual online renewal application. Up to 2 May, more than 73% of the members renewed their membership, meaning they have completed the online renewal questionnaire and paid their membership fees. Members who have paid their fees make up 78% of the total membership, while 84% completed the online questionnaire.

If you have not yet completed both these steps and updated your CPD record on your profile on the website, please do so without delay.

Members who have not completed the online questionnaire will receive reminder emails every week, warning them that their membership will be terminated if they fail to do so. If you have not received an email with a link to do the online renewal, please send an email to FISA by clicking here.

Members who have not paid their annual membership fees or whose payments cannot be identified in the FISA bank account, will receive individual emails in due course.

When making payment, please use your name and surname as the payment reference. We still find many payments into the FISA bank account with little or no indication for which member’s fees the payment was made. If you have not received an invoice, please send an email requesting a copy of the invoice sent to you by clicking here.

Please note that FISA has a new bank account with FNB. Please do not make payment to the old Investec account. Click here for proof of the banking details.