Please read the below press release. Pictured left is Angelique Visser, Chairperson of FISA.
FISA elects new Council
The Fiduciary Institute of South Africa (FISA) has elected a new Council following the introduction of a new constitution on 2 December 2011. The new Council members are:
National Chairperson: Angélique Visser
Deputy Chairperson: Graham McPherson
Secretary: Aaron Roup
Eastern Cape Regional Councillor: Wanda Visser
Free State Regional Councillor: Gudrun Boshoff
Gauteng Regional Councillor: Cheryl Howard
KwaZulu- Natal Regional Councillor: Khaya Thango
Western Cape Regional Councillor: Alfred Bester
In terms of the new constitution, FISA was converted into an organisation run by individual members. Corporate membership was done away with, which means the organisation is now led by fiduciary practitioners, who include owners or employees of trust companies, attorneys, financial planners and accountants. There are almost 700 members who collectively manage in excess of R250 billion of fiduciary assets, and administer approximately 50% of deceased estates and trusts in South Africa.
Commenting on current FISA initiatives, Chairperson Angélique Visser said:
“One of our priorities is to strengthen relationships with the Master’s Offices, the South African Revenue Services, the South African Reserve Bank, and various banking institutions, in order to improve communication and align processes for the benefit of all stakeholders, especially the public.
“We already have a good working relationship with the Master’s Office and would like to develop this further, for example by participating in the paperless project that the Master’s Office has embarked on. Instead of documents being moved from office to office, they will increasingly be scanned into a system, to which fiduciary practitioners will have online access. This will streamline processes and reduce delays, to the public’s benefit,” she said.
Angélique Visser, FISA Chairperson on (011) 303-5116 or 082 565 3565
Aaron Roup, FISA Secretary on (011) 294 8262 or 082 449 2569
Or Lucy Reyburn of .word
082 922 7483
The Fiduciary Institute of South Africa (FISA) is a non-profit organisation that represents fiduciary practitioners and sets high minimum standards for the industry to protect the public’s interests.
One of FISA’s main objectives is to protect the public, by promoting excellence and professionalism in the fiduciary industry through a competency certification program for members. Certification attests that the practitioner has achieved the required level of education, experience, knowledge and skills required by FISA to practise as a specialist and professional in the trust and personal financial services industry. Members are also encouraged to write the recently introduced annual FISA examinations which have been made possible through a partnership with the University of the Free State’s Centre for Financial Planning Law. On passing this exam, members are awarded the FPSA® designation (Fiduciary Practitioner SA).
FISA also has a Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Code that emphasise the conduct, competency, knowledge, professionalism, integrity, objectivity and responsibility of each person accepted as a member. The public can be assured that the Disciplinary Committee, currently chaired by Arnold Shapiro, is not afraid of acting against members who do not adhere to FISA’s Code of Ethics. Memberships have been terminated, details of which can be found on FISA’s website.
Whilst enhancing the professional image, reputation and credibility of the trust industry, FISA also plays an important role in educating the public through educational articles and discussions in the media.
For a FISA practitioner in your area email For more information about FISA visit