If you would like to send an article for consideration by the FISA editorial committee, please bear in mind the following important guidelines:
- Articles should be no longer than 1,200 words in length (ideally between 800 and 900).
- The article may not be promotional in nature, but factual and objective.
- Plain language should be used, with minimum jargon.
- Please do not use footnotes as the media do not publish these as a rule (rather refer to citations in the body of the article).
- We will also need a head-and-shoulders colour photo of the author in high-resolution (that is, between 2 and 7 MB in size), as a jpg.
- Please also note that your article will be reviewed and, if necessary, edited by the editorial committee.
- Finally, please note that there is also no guarantee that the article will be published by the media.
Please send your article to FISA’s media liaison, Lucy Reyburn, on email lucy@lucyreyburn.com.